Life is like a book…

The phrase above pretty much sums up my life right now.  There is a chapter that has ended, but I know that there are new chapters ahead. My personality naturally gets timid and scared when new things come, but I am consciously trying my hardest not to let this happen.

I’ve heard the saying “you have to just take it by the horns”, but honestly, does that really work for anyone? I tend to think that some new chapters call for “baby steps”. I’m currently taking this approach, but if you all have other suggestions, pass them along! :)

I hope your current chapter in life is a pleasant one. If you feel up for it, I’d love to hear about it! Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email (click the envie on the right side).

Have a great Wednesday. Until next time….


  1. I grew up hearing that same phrase and that is how my Father lead his life. I however, am out going, but I don’t grab life by the horns…I’m more of a “seize the day” kinda girl…like you said, sometimes life calls for baby steps. I take life on a daily basis and adjust accordingly. It works for me :)

    I couldn’t describe my capter at the moment as my life just seems all over the place.

  2. Hi Paulina
    Thanks for answer my email and of course thanks for your post today.
    Yes the life is like a book.. is not easy sometimes.
    Greetings from Puerto Rico

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