New Friend

Today was the day that I got to meet Amy Tsuruta! Since we found out we live in the same {small} town, we decided to meet so I could personally give her the Cuttlebug that she won from my blog candy giveaway. Oh goodness, she was just as sweet as I thought she would be and she is SO full of energy! It was fun to chat for a bit and also hear about her crafting future. Amy is so talented and I hope this isn’t the last time we meet!

Here are a few pictures of how I wrapped the Cuttlebug- notice the huge tag I made! Yes, those are snowflakes on the tag….I was thinking since it was such a large present, it would qualify as “Christmas in September”. :)

That’s all for me tonight. I came home from work with a killer headache- hopefully it goes away soon. Have a great rest of the night!


  1. oooh, fun! i always love seeing pictures of your wrapping jobs :D

    and such a cute tag. perfect for that candy ;)

    (btw, liking your hair like that–different, and hope your headache goes caput soon!)

  2. How fun!! Two of my favorite bloggers meeting. Your wrapping job is fabulous and I hope your headache is gone by now.

    Amy ♥

  3. Hey you…thank you…thank you…thank you….it was a BALL meeting you!!! I hated to rip into your fabbie wrap job but oh-man-oh-man….I’m going to have soooo much fun with my new goodies!!!! It IS definitely Christmas in September!!!

    You poor dear…headaches are thee worst…sorry that I was soooooo chatty :) Do you think I scared that poor barista going on and on about how we met? LOL

    Have a Super Friday and fabbie weekend Paulina!!!!

  4. Hey that Amy is my favorite Amy in the whole entire world!! She lives south of me, but I was able to meet her in person for the first time last year at the A-Muse event (their cupcake social). She is indeed a bundle of sweet energy and FUN!!! :)

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