ABC’s of Me- Take 2

Available or taken? Available, and not really enjoying that fact.
Best Friend? Kalyn
Cake or Pie? Pie. Give me a banana cream pie and I’m good for hours! :)
Drink of choice? At the moment I am horribly obsessed with Sugar Free Raspberry Italian Sodas. Hey, at least they are sugar free!
Essential item for every day use? Make-up. I look like a zombie without it.
Favorite color? PINK! Did you really need to ask?!
Google? Yes.
Hometown? Seattle, Washington.
Indulgences? Sweets and pedicures!
January or February? February. Reminds me that love is still alive and gives me hope that it’ll come to me! :)
Kids and their names? No kids at the moment.
Life is incomplete without? Family and friends.
Marriage date? TBD
Number of siblings? 2 sisters + 2 brothers= 4 goofy siblings
Oranges or apples? Apples! I especially love Fuji Apples.
Phobias and fears? I have a phobia of a certain word, but I’m not going to write it! I didn’t realize it was a phobia until a few weeks ago. I also have the fear of being paralyzed.
Quote for the day? God does not give you more than you can handle.
Reason to smile? My brothers.
Season? I used to say it was summer, but I’m really starting to enjoy fall. I love wearing scarves and sweaters, and reading by the fireplace is always a delight.
Tag 3 people?
Eva at Foster Family Fun
Sarah at designs by *Sarah Martina*
Wendy at Created by Wendy

Unknown fact about me? I was once engaged.
Vegetable you hate? Brussels sprouts and eggplant
Worst habit? Biting my nails.
X-rays you’ve had? Dental and a few other boring ones. So glad that I don’t need them often!  
Your fave food? I like so many things….do I really need to chose one?!
Zodiac sign? Cancer.


  1. I enjoyed reading about you! :) My favorite color is pink too and I also used to say Summer was my favorite, but I think it is Fall now! You would think it would be Winter, since my name is Winter! :)

  2. Great post! I loved reading through all your answers! And when I checked yours I realized that somehow ‘L’ got left out of the mix – oops! Apples all the way, dude.

  3. I KNEW you were a Cancer halfway through reading this post! Your sweet personality just shines through.

  4. gosh…i bite my nails, too, and I feel the same way about the season…i love summer but gosh, it’s way too hot outside – I’m ready for scarves and boots!!!

  5. i think i’m interesting in that word you were talking about… the one you didn’t realize you had a fear about. your answers made me laugh, and you can check out mine here.

  6. I loved learning about you! I just realized you tagged me, I’ll do my post tonight! How funny you mentioned you hate eggplant when I just cooked it for the first time. WE are a lot alike!

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