Unexpected Blessings

Unexpected Blessings


BLESSINGSI am still constantly amazed at the things that have happened through my blog. Encouragement has been given, smiles {and tears} have ensued, inspiration has flown freely and lasting friendships have been made. I never dreamed that when I started this blog, it would grow to be where it is today or that I would build/ develop such amazing bonds with my readers. The title of this post really does say it all….

Last week, after a particularly rough week of recovering from a concussion and the craziness of trying to work in the midst of it, I was feeling downright exhausted and dare I say, defeated. In the past, I considered myself to be a fighter in life, but with blow after blow from the accident, my thoughts on this have started to dwindle. What started out to be a ignited fire to figure out what was wrong with me and get to the root has slowly progressed to frustration, disappointment and many other feelings. Don’t get me wrong, we are still actively trying to find out what is wrong with me, but I think I’m a little more realistic in my hopes and mentally telling myself I may need to learn to live life like this.

It’s in these moments of discouragement, frustration and tears, God has a way of bringing sunshine into my darkest days. It could be as small as having my younger brother say he prays for me daily {I nearly bawled when he told me this} to a friend sending an encouraging text or getting REAL mail in the mailbox. Then there are the moments when you get bigger rays of sunshine and your best friend makes you dinner, you receive an abundance of birthday flowers from different people,  an unexpected monetary gift to help with medical bills is given, or you have a friend unexpectedly drive out to your house with flowers and a card*. All of these things have happened this last week and I cannot even begin to say how my heart has swelled with joy, love and thankfulness.

I won’t say that these things happen to me often, but I will say that if we look {and sometimes we REALLY need to look}, there are blessings that happen all around us everyday. For example, today my dad offered to cook up some dinner for me. Is this a small thing? Yes. However, it’s a blessing and now I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Let’s see…another blessing that happened today….the Starbucks barista was super cheery when I got my coffee this morning and definitely helped kickstart the day off in a happy way. It’s little things like this that can sometimes go overlooked that I’m learning {and trying to make a conscious effort} to take notice of and be grateful for.

Sweet friends, what unexpected blessings are you thankful for this week? It can be something small or large, I would love to hear about them and rejoice in your blessings with you! Let’s make an effort to take notice of the blessings around us!

*The picture in the graphic featured is with my dear, sweet friend, Robyn. We had gone to church together for years and years but our paths never crossed. After we both started going to different churches, she started following my blog and has been such an amazing source of encouragement, tips on health information and a prayer warrior. So blessed by this gem!