

Saving Money in 2013

It’s not a secret to those around me that I like to spend money. One of my love languages is gift giving, which can include presents for holidays, unexpected gifts or buying a coffee or meal for someone I’m meeting with. None of these are bad things, but it’s also not great when these things prevent you from saving for your future.

I was talking with my sister recently and she asked if I wanted to do a money challenge with her. I hesitantly asked what exactly she was talking about. She said she had found a chart on Pinterest about a “new” way to save and by the end of the year, you would have over $1300. I was interested, for sure.

Back story: my sister has ALWAYS been good about saving money, even growing up. She lived minimally and this has helped her as she recently got married. On the other hand, if I were to get married tomorrow {don’t worry, I’m not}, I would be in trouble.

I took a look at my sister’s pin, but unfortunately, it doesn’t link to the original person who started this. Upon looking all over Google, I still wasn’t able to find the direct source. I did, however, find the less busy chart below.



Since I enjoy sharing the different aspects of my life, I thought I would share this with you. Yes, I do have a savings account and I will still be setting funds aside there. However, I love the idea of having another place for savings that involves small increments each week.

We are on the third week in 2013, so I have $6 in my savings jar. It makes me excited to see those little dollars bills adding up and knowing I’ll have accumulated more than $1300 by the end of the year.

Want to take on this challenge with me? With a new year in full gear, let’s make it a year of GOOD habits and bettering ourselves. :)