
Die Coupon Alert!

If you have followed my blog for a while, you know I am all about sharing savings with my readers. Right now, Ellen Hutson has a 20% off savings coupon for ALL of the dies they have in stock. Holy moly! They carry so many great dies (the last time I checked they had over 2400!) and we all know that dies make life so much easier.

ellencouponCurious as to what dies are currently on my wish list? I honestly could have filled this whole post up, but I’m thought I’d limit it to just 15 for today. All of the dies I listed were currently in stock when I typed up this post, so hopefully you’ll be able to get them at this great savings!

I’ll be honest, since I put quite a bit into the opening of my shop, I won’t be able to take advantage of this GREAT savings coupon, but I hope that some of you will! Speaking of the shop…..everything is packaged and now I just need to take photographs of the products!

 Sweet readers, I’m curious, what’s on YOUR die wish list at the moment?

*I want to note that I’m an Ellen Hutson affiliate, but only because I adore them so much. Any products purchased through the links I have listed, or the EH sidebar ad on my site, will provide me with a small commission which in turn helps keep this site running and also helps me provide giveaways & prizes. If you plan on doing any EH orders now or in the future, feel free to use my link! :)