Love My Movies

For those of you who have followed my blog, you know that I love my movies. There isn’t a particular genre that I like- I enjoy so many! I like everything from action to comedy to suspense. Here is a list of some favorites:

  • A Walk to Remember- Mandy Moore did an awesome job in the movie. I love the music, Shane West and this was also the first movie to make me cry!
  • The Recruit- Not gonna lie, the main reason I like this movie: Colin Farrell. However, I also really like the plot and this was the first movie I saw with Al Pacino in it. It has a little of everything, action, romance and suspense.
  • Iron Man- AMAZING movie. I saw it 3 1/2 times at the theater and also a handful at times at home. First movie that I saw starring Robert Downey Jr. and now I’m a big fan. The gadgets, acting, humor….everything was perfect. I’m so excited for the sequel! (You’re probably wondering why I saw it 3 1/2 times. Well, my sister passed out through half of it so we couldn’t stay for the rest!)
  • Collateral- Tom Cruise as a bad guy?! When I first saw the trailer I laughed so hard. Seriously, how could Tom Cruise pull off being the villain? Well, I have since had to take back the laughter.

Today I watch Julie & Julia with Virginia. It was such a cute movie that made me laugh uproariously. They did such a great job making two true life stories come to the big screen. Amy Adams and Meryl Streep did a great job acting too! One of my favorite things was that blogging was a big part of the movie. Getting excited about comments and such….so true for those of us who don’t get many! Once it comes out to DVD I’m gonna be buying it. Yes, it truly was that good.

For those who read, I am going to *try* to post more frequently than I have. Let’s just say that I have had a little motivation…and I also miss all of my blog friends!

Again, stay tuned for the BIG blog candy- it’s coming soon!!


  1. If you love Robert Downey Jr. in Ironman. I fell in love with him in Chaplin. Great older movie. Not only is he GORGEOUS! but, he is truly a gifted actor! You will have to rent it and watch him in it.

  2. peter said something hilarious tonight. well, actually, DID something hilarious tonight. i laughed and Cecelia warned me, “don’t put that on your twitter.” then Peter said, “you can tell Paulina tomorrow at church.”

    anyway, i feel the same way about Julie & Julia–i want it on DVD too!

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