Early Christmas Present!

Hello there! 
Can you all believe that Christmas is just TWO days away??! This month has flown by ridiculously fast. I’m still in denial that the holiday is here- for some reason, it doesn’t feel as “Christmasy” as it has in the past. Despite this feeling, I’m glad that I finally got all my presents purchased and wrapped. 
Last week, my sister came over with an early Christmas present for me. Imagine my surprise when I saw she made something…..a GORGEOUS white wreath! I recently repainted my room (with a grey, white and black color scheme), so this goes with the decor perfectly. I just LOVE this wreath!
My sister first saw this idea on Pinterest and decided to recreate it. Any guesses as to what the white stuff is? I first thought it was tissue paper….it’s actually coffee filters!
We thought about adding little holly berries inside the wreath, but then decided against it. (I didn’t want the paper to rip when we took the berries off) 
Before I close, I just want to remind you all of the challenge we have over at Young Crafters Unite. We’ve extended the deadline, so you have FOUR more days to enter! The next challenge will start in the new year, January 5th, to be exact. :) 
Well, it’s off to finish baking and then nap time for this girl. Gotta love vacation time! Hope you all are doing well!


  1. What a gorgeous present! Such a great sister you must have. Hope you & your family have a great Christmas!

  2. OMG Paulina! This wreath is completely AMAZING! Your sister did so WELL with this one!!! Looking forward to one awesome 2012!!

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